Quotes-October 2013

(photo by my honey) I love fall.  This morning W and I went on a walk/run and enjoyed seeing a few leaves turning, pumpkins decorating people’s porches and a few scary spiders ready for Halloween this week.  Our month has been full of friends and being in one place.  I have also been soaking up all the reading time I […]

6 Ways I Want to Stop Wasting Mental Energy

(Credit:Klearchos Kapoutsis) Sometimes when a season is stressful and busy, my brain goes into slight overload.  My brain is foggy and I even have trouble carrying on a proper conversation.   Some of this is just living in a different culture where you are speaking a second language or it is a busy season at school.  It could even be […]

What It’s Like to Be Back in the American Church

(credit: life creations@flikr) If you happened to sit next to my husband and I in church these past few weeks, you might wonder why tears are falling down our cheeks.  Did we just have a fight?  Are we hurting?  What is the matter with those people?  If you asked us why, we would tell you that we are overwhelmed by the […]

Links-October 2013

We are finally enjoying some Fall weather here in Texas.  Our time here in the states is going by quickly and it has been delightful reconnecting with friends.  It has been good to be settled in one place for the month.  It has been really good to just be able to take some time to rest and refresh and read. […]

A State of Thankfulness

Sometimes we are in hard place and just the thought of being thankful is too overwhelming.  Sometimes we are in a hard place and we are overflowing with thankfulness.   What makes the difference?  I don’t think it has so much to do with the hard place as where we are in our relationship with God in that hard place. […]

Continued Lessons from My Healing Foot

Back in May playing volleyball with friends, I broke my leg.  At first we just thought it was a bad sprain but x-rays confirmed the break.  After 6 weeks in a boot, I started learning to walk again.  The trouble was my bone had healed but my ankle muscles and tendons had been stationary for too long.  My flexibility was […]