It Takes Teamwork-Nehemiah 2 and 3
In chapter 2, Nehemiah makes it to Jerusalem and rests for three days. Then he proceeds at night to assess the situation and form a plan. It is at this point that he shares his plan of rebuilding the wall with others. In chapter 3, the people are busy rebuilding the wall. Some build next to their house. Others build far from their house. Some go the extra mile building more than their share while others just barely enough. Not everyone was a trained wall builder but they did the job that needed to be done. Since I grew up in a family of just daughters, I especially like the part where the daughters pitched in and helped their dad work on their section of the wall. Most importantly it took teamwork to build the wall. One person did not do it by him or herself.
1 thought on “It Takes Teamwork-Nehemiah 2 and 3”
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Good words! Thanks for the reminder to be faithful to do my part.