Friendship Musing
As I am in the process of getting to know the ladies on our team and hopefully building some deeper relationships with some of them, I am reminded of the many times we have moved and I have gone through this friendship building process. It is never the same. Sometimes you have someone who really reaches out to you. Other times you are the one who needs to take the first step. The ideal situation is when it goes both ways. To me, it is the most stressful part of the move but in each move God has been gracious. When I got married and moved to Tennessee, God gave me W., an older lady at our church who took me under her wing, and V., a fellow graduate student who also liked to run and play tennis. When we moved to Ft. Worth, he gave me S., who went out of her way to be my friend and ended up being so good for me even though we were different in many ways. She also gave me a teacher friend in T. We were both new at the school and spent many hours biking and talking. As I settled down as a stay at home mom, God even helped me make a friend at McDonald’s one day as our girls were playing. God has given me friends whose friendship is not limited to where I am living even though it does make staying in touch more challenging.
Even though in each place, God has provided friends. I am reminded that God wants a relationship with me also. He reached out to me. I love only because He first loved me. He sent his Son for me so I could even have a relationship with him. He is knocking at the door of my heart. He can be found if only I will seek him. He is with me even to the ends of the earth. I often take for granted that God is always there, forgetting how amazing it is that God is a God who wants to send time with me. I am unique and precious in His sight. He wants to hear my joys and my fears. He doesn’t even seem to mind my tears. His friendship will transcend all moves, all time, all eternity.
Dear God, Thank you for reaching out to me. Thank you for being a faithful friend. May I never take that for granted. Thank you for the friends you send my way in each place we have lived. Help me to be a faithful and true friend to them. I can’t wait for heaven where all of us will be reunited once again. Amen
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