What’s that, God?

Philippians 3:12-17 is a common passage to preach on for the New Year but when the pastor announced the text, my ears perked up. You see, I have been studying this passage in a book a friend gave me. One of my BSF teachers used to say that when you hear the same message coming from more then one source, God is probably trying to get your attention. So as I go on in the New Year, I resolve to forget what is behind both the good and the bad. This does not mean that I forget the lessons I have learned but to quit beating myself over the head about not doing this or that with my kids or some other failure. It also means I need to forget my successes also. Elizabeth George reminded me in her book Loving God with All Your Mind that God is more concerned about what I am doing in the present then what I did in the past. So I resolve to reach forward to what lies ahead. I am not sure exactly what that will look like but I am sure it will include a commitment to look for the best in others and help them to become their best whether it is my children, my husband, my friends or my students. I resolve to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

May God bless you this year as you press on also. And now I guess you can all keep me accountable to my resolutions. Blessings. TJ