Giants in my Land

I have three giants that are in my land. 1. Finishing the last three weeks of school. 2. My house helper hasn’t been showing up for work. which brings me to number three. It all started on Friday, our day off.  All of us except for my dear husband were participating in a volleyball tournament, each on different teams.  W […]

Making Thanksgiving an Everyday Thing

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  I would not always say I am the most positive person when it comes to life but I am learning more and more that thankfulness is an act of worship.  It is a way of declaring my trust in a good God even when things around us are falling apart.  Back in August,  I […]


Security is a big issue. Whether it is physical, spiritual, or financial security, security is something people think about all around the world. At airports, there are metal detectors. In schools, there are cops. In the financial world, there are IRAs and 401Ks. Spiritually, people are searching for the truth, God, and the answer to the question “Is there life […]

Blue Hole

This past Saturday my family and I were on a hike in Hells Canyon, Oregon. The hike started off innocent enough meandering along a rushing stream through a forest. A lady had said the hike would be two miles to the Blue Hole and of course two miles back. About a mile into the hike we came to a stream […]

Blue Hole

This past Saturday my family and I were on a hike in Hells Canyon, Oregon. The hike started off innocent enough meandering along a rushing stream through a forest. A lady had said the hike would be two miles to the Blue Hole and of course two miles back. About a mile into the hike we came to a stream […]

Worship or Worry?

Which would you choose? Most people would say worship. I would. It sounds more fun and more spiritual. But as in most things, my actions speak louder than words. When I am faced with a hard situation, what is my first reaction? Do I stew or do I pray? Jill Briscoe says that we either worship or we worry. When […]

Pulling Weeds

Today my daughter and I were weeding some flower beds. We enjoyed being outside and my daughter loved having an excuse to play in the dirt. The beds had been weeded in the Fall, but somehow the weeds had survived the winter and were thriving. In fact when we pulled them up their root systems were extensive making it impossible […]

True Victory

This week seemed impossible but God likes the impossible. We had deadlines that we thought could not be meant. God thought otherwise. In Ps. 60:11,12, it says, “O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain, through God we shall do valiently, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” This week has […]

See Saws

At recess as a kid, we loved to go on the see saws. We would go up and down until the teacher would blow her whistle to have us come in. But we didn’t always just go up and down. Sometimes we would try to balance the see saw. We would either try to do it by putting people of […]

Early Christmas Gifts

Last week was long-very long. It was full of getting ready for a trip, trying to get students to work and not getting the time I needed with God. Friday as we are leaving for our trip, I am in tears from exhaustion and some hurtful things that had gone on that day at school. I wasn’t quite sure if […]