Caution: Transition Ahead

The whole world is in transition whether we like it or not. States waver between opening and staying closed. People debate whether to wear a mask or not. Students are either worried whether school will start up again or relieved that it might be delayed.  People are working to correct injustices made to minorities.  How can we do better. Transition […]

Not Letting a Bad Experience Define Your Future

We have three families on our aviation team.  This week the wives decided to go out for lunch.  Something we don’t do as often as we should.  Our husbands carpooled to work so we would have a car.  I volunteered to drive since I have the most experience with a manual vehicle and also a Liberian driver’s license.   I rarely drive off of the compound because when […]

A Word for Transition Insecurities

Yesterday my husband and I listened online as our home pastor talked about his future transition into retirement and the new vision God has for him.  In October, he will pass the baton of Senior paster to an associate pastor that he has worked with and mentored for over 10 years. They are both ready for this new season, but […]

Helping Those in Transition

When I was trying to come up with a word to describe 2019 (which I never did), all I could think of was “transition”.  We are transitioning people on and off our team in the next month.  Our family is transitioning into a new season as our daughter weds in May. Our son started college in the fall.  Not to forget, I transitioned two […]

Between the Rains

This is a repost from a few years ago when we lived in Central Asia.  As our nights and some days are rainy since we are not in rainy season, I thought it would be fun to post this again. Rain is a beautiful thing.  It gives water for life but also brightens up the world around us.  It makes rainbows possible and […]

When Your Heart Keeps Getting Broken

I can see him clearly in my mind, sitting to the left of me at his desk, as I teach my Algebra I class.  His sandy brown head is bent over his paper as he tries to keep up with taking notes. It is my first year teaching at an International school in Central Asia. It is his first year at the […]

Remembering God’s Gifts in the Hard

Two years ago today, I woke up to a new day alone in a new apartment.  Less than a month before, we had dropped off our daughter at college and our son at boarding school.  Then we returned to Central Asia, packed up our belongings, and moved to a new city to be with a team which was both old and […]

Sharing Our Stories

(Picture Credit goes to my dear husband) We all love a good story. People flock to the movies or watch TV.  Others read books, blogs, and the news.  They do this for different reasons, but each contains a story or part of story. Sometimes the stories provide entertainment.  Other times stories help us connect with the story teller or understand […]

What About West Africa?

As I write this, the rain is pounding down on my roof.  I am in West Africa, and it is rainy season.  Three months ago, I was living in Central Asia, and Africa was not even on my radar.   My husband and I were preparing to leave the place we had called home for almost 7 years and had no […]

Links for Those in Transition

I thought I would take the time to share some posts that have helped me these last few months as our family is going through this transition.  From Vaneetha Rendall Riser at Desiring God: When the Detour Becomes Your New Road  How am I viewing this new direction?  This post gave me much to contemplate. “This new road that I am on, […]