The Climb

This picture was taken when W. was 5 years old. We were hiking at Acadia National Park in Maine and W was determined that she was going to make it to the top of the mountain. My DH and I took turns carrying Big D (who was almost two) on our backs in a carrier. Parts of the hike required […]

Mini Skirts, Mothers and Muslims

A few weeks ago I finished a book called Mini Skirts, Mothers and Muslims. When my family moves over seas my daughter and I will be dressing differently then we do here. We will have a head covering and other adjustments. By doing this, we will show we are modest women. The author of the book tells the whys behind […]

God’s Direction

Tomorrow my DH leaves to retake a test for the mission organization that we are wanting to go with. He has worked hard on learning what he needs to do and feels prepared. We have done our part and we know that God will do His. As I was reading in Proverbs tonight I came across a verse in chapter […]

Quotes from Perspectives

My DH and I are taking a course called Perspectives. In this class, we have the opportunity to read lots of articles on missions and hear from speakers which combine to give us a better perspective about missions. I guess you see how it gets its name. Anyways, here are two quotes that stood out to me in the past […]

See Saws

At recess as a kid, we loved to go on the see saws. We would go up and down until the teacher would blow her whistle to have us come in. But we didn’t always just go up and down. Sometimes we would try to balance the see saw. We would either try to do it by putting people of […]

Life Markers

This past week with my family has been refreshing. It is nice to have children who actually like to spend time with their parents. In Glacier we escaped the heat of TX and bonded as a family as we snuggled in sleeping bags, took long hikes, and ate huckleberry ice cream. It was just what the doctor ordered. We went […]

Stepping Out in Faith

Last week the children’s lesson at church was the story of Abraham following God’s leading to a new land. It was the story of Abraham’s step of faith. Here is a brief story of my family’s step of faith. My husband and I have been seeking a new direction but weren’t quite sure where He was leading. We did know […]