Things that Take Time

We talk a lot about time.  Mostly we comment on how we never have enough time, or we are not sure how to best fill our time.  Living in Central Asia has helped me think about time in a different way.  Things happen slower here, and I have come to enjoy this slower paced world.  I enjoy taking time to […]

My Favorite Books of 2014

Every year I enjoy looking back on the books I have read to see which ones challenged me, which ones brought laughter and entertainment, and which ones were just what I needed.  For the first time,  I kept a list of all the books I have read.  You can find the list here.  My goal was to read more nonfiction […]

Why I Am Glad We Homeschooled This Year

Let me first of all tell you what this post is not.  It is not intended to persuade you to homeschool or make you feel bad if you don’t.  Nor is it a post about homeschooling being the best option.  This post is a story of our family’s journey this year, and why I am glad we chose this route. […]

A Good-Bye Musing

(Credit: Good-byes seem to be everywhere these days whether it’s people moving or dying or in our case going back to Central Asia.    Being in the midst of another round of good-byes has me thinking a lot about them.  Here are some of my thoughts. 1.  Good-byes are hard.  I never know what to say.  It never seems natural […]

Favorite Books of 2013

Wouldn’t you love to have a tree like this for Christmas?  This was at the White House when we took a tour this last month.   Reading is a part of our family.  Most of the time we read off of our digital devices but these past few months we have enjoyed reading from hard copies of books.  We have […]

6 Ways I Want to Stop Wasting Mental Energy

(Credit:Klearchos Kapoutsis) Sometimes when a season is stressful and busy, my brain goes into slight overload.  My brain is foggy and I even have trouble carrying on a proper conversation.   Some of this is just living in a different culture where you are speaking a second language or it is a busy season at school.  It could even be […]

Continued Lessons from My Healing Foot

Back in May playing volleyball with friends, I broke my leg.  At first we just thought it was a bad sprain but x-rays confirmed the break.  After 6 weeks in a boot, I started learning to walk again.  The trouble was my bone had healed but my ankle muscles and tendons had been stationary for too long.  My flexibility was […]

Looking Forward and Looking Back 2013

In 3 days, Big D and I head to the states to join my daughter W.  It will be our first visit back in two years.  In many ways, we are excited and in other ways, we are bit apprehensive.   Overall, it is time- time to reconnect with family and friends, time to regroup, time to share, and time […]

5 Reasons Why My Kids Should be Messed Up

I am learning that parenting has a lot of grace involved.  Okay maybe I am accepting it better now that my kids are older.  They are both teenagers so I still have lots of parenting to go but looking back I wish I would have chilled out a lot more during the younger years.  I am a rule follower.  I […]