What’s Keeping Me Sane (2019 Edition)

It is so easy to look at life and see what is driving us crazy or what needs to be fixed.  Today I am taking a step back and looking at what is keeping me sane right now.  This is my third year in joining Anne at Modern Ms. Darcy as she encourages others to share what is keeping them sane as the cold […]

Fall Links 2018

(photo credit: My honey) One of my favorite things each week is getting all comfy in my chair with my computer, notebook, and a glass of ice coffee.  For a few minutes which sometimes grows into an hour, I catch up on reading different blogs that I enjoy.  The topics range from recipes to Christian discipleship to book reviews.  One thing I […]

Links for Those in Transition

I thought I would take the time to share some posts that have helped me these last few months as our family is going through this transition.  From Vaneetha Rendall Riser at Desiring God: When the Detour Becomes Your New Road  How am I viewing this new direction?  This post gave me much to contemplate. “This new road that I am on, […]

Just What I Needed Today

Today I read a blog post that someone shared on Facebook.   My eyes filled with tears as I read Rachel Pieh Jones’ story, Another Chance to Be Afraid-and Trust God , in Christianity Today Online.  She shared her fears about her children and herself as they live in Africa.  I found myself understanding her fear even though we live in different places.  When […]

Favorite Quotes and Links as We Finish 2014

Today I am sitting in a hotel room with sick boy.  It has been a restful day, and he seems to be on the mend.  We have read, watched the Hobbit part two, went out to find some lunch and are back to reading some more.  Tomorrow we are hoping to join our other two family members in an eating tour […]

Two Book Series that Made Me Laugh and Cry

Snuggling up with a good book is always a good way to relieve stress any time of year.  In the Fall as the weather gets colder, I am finding myself enjoying a good book next to the warm bukhari unwinding from hectic school days.  This month our whole family has been reading the same book series which has been fun […]

Summer Reads 2014

This summer I have been trying to read books that have been on my kindle for a long time.  Sometimes I start reading the book intrigued by the title, and other times I skim a few reviews to see if the book is what I want to read right now. The first method is actually a lot more fun. Seeing all the books I haven’t […]