Tell me again… Galatians 1

You know I used to sort of space out during the last part of a sermon when the preacher will often go over the plan of salvation for those who may need to make a decision. I knew it needed to be said but didn’t think I needed to hear it again. But I do need to hear it again. […]

What’s in a name

I don’t know if you enjoy the Psalms or not but in different stages of my life I have gravitated to their words and found in them peace and comfort. This year in Bible Study Fellowship, I was challenged to examine the Psalms more deeply and to use them as a part of my daily prayers. As I read the […]

In For Repairs

This past September I was without my car for about 5 days due to some carelessness on my part backing out of a parking spot. I couldn’t believe that my “little scratch” would take that long to fix. Getting my car fixed was frustrating. It took too long and messed up my schedule. I was on someone else’s timetable. Not […]