Encouragement from Haggai

I was enjoying a lazy morning studying when the news came. Our country had its first confirmed case of COVID 19. It wasn’t a surprise. We knew it wasn’t a matter of “if” but “when” especially since bordering countries had confirmed cases. Even before the first case, precautions were set in place with extra hand washing and social distancing.  But still I found […]

Lessons from the Magnificat

Luke began his book with a meeting of two expectant mothers.  This would not be an ordinary meeting. Mary was a teenage girl overwhelmed by wonderful news. She would be the mother of the Messiah.  Elizabeth was in her 6th month of pregnancy even though she was past the child-bearing years.  She who was barren was carrying the forerunner of […]

When We Want to Believe.. John 11

In John 11, Jesus arrives in Bethany four days after Lazarus has been buried.   Upon hearing of Jesus’s arrival, Martha decides to go out to meet Jesus rather than wait for him at the house. Why?  Maybe she needed some fresh air or maybe she had a few words she wanted to say to him without others hearing.  We […]