Poisson’s Dance Review
Today I am participating in the Tattered Slippers release and blog tour. The Tattered Slippers are six retellings of The Twelve Dancing Princesses by six different authors, each one fantastic and magical. You don’t want to miss any of them! If you want to check out the other books, reviews and even some character interviews, click here. Today’s focus is Poison’s Dance by Tricia Mingerink.

My first exposure to the twelve dancing princesses story was through a Barbie movie. For my little girl, it was the perfect blend of princesses, dancing, and a girl being brave enough to do the right thing for her family. Tricia Mingerink in her series Beyond the Tales gives the 12 dancing princesses tale a new twist as she continues High King Alex’s journey in Poison’s Dance. Our story begins with King Alex attempting to lead well and keep his kingdom together. The plot is set in Tuckawassee, the kingdom of 12 princesses who are cursed to dance the night away. It is a kingdom that isn’t considered an ally of Alex’s.
This third book in her series was a great continuation of seeing curses broken, relationships being strengthened, and sacrificial choices being made. Don’t worry. There are moments of fun and laughter as the reader finds themselves experiencing the culture of this magical place. One thing I love about reading a series and especially this one is watching the characters grow and mature even when their journey has bumps and potholes.
If you are new to this series, don’t worry. This week her first book in the series, Dagger’s Sleep, is free and her second book, Midnight’s Curse is $1.99. (affiliate links)
Here are links to the book and information about the author, Tricia Mingerink.
Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Poisons-Dance-Dancing-Princesses-Retelling-ebook/dp/B0873YZKZS/
Add Book on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53251983-poison-s-dance?
Author Bio:
Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn’t writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.
Find her online at: Website || Goodreads || Facebook || Twitter || Instagram || Amazon
Note: I was given a digital copy of this book in return for an honest review. That said, Tricia is a favorite author and I think both I and my daughter have loved all her books.