monthly lessons

March Lessons (COVID19 Edition)
As March comes to an end, I decided to sit down and process what I am learning in this season where life is no longer normal. I am a learner by nature, but often rush from one thing to the next never taking the time to reflect and appreciate what God has taught me. Each season has lessons to be learned-some seasons more than others. Then there are the lessons that are repeated again and again til they sink in and take root. Whatever the lesson is, I am thankful for a God who is patient and kind as He guides us on the right path.
My lessons.
My lessons.
1. COVID19 Is Taking Trust in God to a Whole New Level
During our eight years in Central Asia, I learned to trust God through all the ups and downs of people coming and going, through all the attacks and threats of attacks, and even through losing friends and schools closing. It wasn’t always a perfect trust-more of a work in progress, but my dependence and trust in God was strengthened like never before.
But COVID19 took me by surprise in how it threatened this trust. I am not sure what triggered the tightening in my chest, but my body was telling me what my mind could not. I was anxious even if I did not want to admit it. Maybe it was that I was here and my kids were in the states. Maybe it was that we weren’t sure where our son would stay with his college closing. Or maybe it was that the border was closing and along with it our way of escape. I am sure it was a little bit of all the above plus the what if’s of what it would look like for it to get worse here.
I am learning that trust is a daily decision. It is the act of putting all my cares and worries in the hand of a Creator who is in charge of all things. Some days are better than others, but each day that I go to the Father, I find that He is there waiting to take my hand reminding me that I am not alone. He is worthy of my trust.
2. The Greater Work is Prayer
This is part of quote from Oswald Chambers. Now more than ever I am finding that the best work I can do is pray. Praying daily, hourly and consistently. Praying alone and with others if possible (even if it is outside in chairs a good distance apart).
I found a slightly use notebook in my school to write down some of my prayers during this time. It is not fancy but it works. The daily habit of opening up the notebook and taking out my colored pens has been life giving as I pour out my praises, concerns, and intercessions. It is sad that it took this season to solidify a habit that I had been wanting to have for over a year.
3. We Need Both Tears and Laughter
I don’t know about you but I have shed a few tears this month. It has been life-giving to share with my husband or a friend and let the tears fall as we grieve and hurt. Have you found that holding in all those feelings only makes it worse? It helps to find a good way to let those tears out whether alone or with a trusted love one. Or it may even be through a sad movie or book. I don’t know how many times I have sobbed over something in a book when the real trigger was something in my actual life.
But I am also finding that I need to balance the tears with laughter. For me, laughter is found in either a fun chick lit book or a funny movie. During the week I was feeling the most stressed, this book by Jen Turano was a great way to escape for a few minutes and laugh as her main character got in all sorts of escapades
But I am also finding that I need to balance the tears with laughter. For me, laughter is found in either a fun chick lit book or a funny movie. During the week I was feeling the most stressed, this book by Jen Turano was a great way to escape for a few minutes and laugh as her main character got in all sorts of escapades

(Drone picture by my honey)
4. To Run Again
It has been years since I have run consistently. During this season, my run/walks have been a necessary outlet of energy and great way to start my day. My goal is to work up to running three miles.
My route around our compound doesn’t vary all that much so the faces I see each day are familiar. The doctor who runs like someone is chasing him in what to me looks like a full out sprint. The guard who always wants to remind me that he knows where my husband is flying that day. My friend who breezes by as she runs with her husband. Somehow it all makes me a little less alone in this time of social distancing.
5. To Slow Down and Notice the World Around Me
I live in a beautiful place. These past few weeks, I have been trying to soak it all in as I listen to the birds sing or gaze at God’s handiwork as the sun goes down.
My husband and I have been enjoying trying to get some good pictures of our little world. It has been a fun outlet to share together. Here are a few of our shots. The first one is mine and the second one-my husband’s.

What are some lessons you have been learning? What are some habits or projects that you have been working on as you navigate this season?
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trust and prayer. yes, yes, TJ. these are our lifelines right about now.
may your Holy Week bring you great blessings …