6 Lessons Learned (Summer 2019 Edition)

Now as I get ready to start my third week of school, I thought I would take a minute to reflect on lessons learned this summer as I join up with other bloggers who are doing there same thing. (Check their posts out at Emily Freeman)
1. A Goal Plus Accountability Helps Complete the Task
Last year about this time, I started an online program through a seminary that had classes that ranged from how to study the bible to church history to global missions. There were 10 courses in all. I knew that it would be easy to start and hard to finish. But I also saw that it was doable to do in a year if I did one class a month. The key was how to make myself accountable to do it. Each year for my job, I am required to set goals that either do with my job or my personal life. I decided to make finishing these courses my goal. It was just the push I needed.
This year my goal is to write a bible study. I have enjoyed doing the research but am finding myself reluctant to start the actual writing. Hopefully having it as a goal will keep me on schedule to complete it. Now I need to come up with a good plan of how to get it done.
2. So What If You Always Do the Asking

3. The Right Gear Makes the Difference

4. To Walk Rain or Shine

5. I Can Have Cold Brew Coffee Using Less Coffee Beans