Not Letting a Bad Experience Define Your Future

We have three families on our aviation team.  This week the wives decided to go out for lunch.  Something we don’t do as often as we should.  Our husbands carpooled to work so we would have a car.  I volunteered to drive since I have the most experience with a manual vehicle and also a Liberian driver’s license.   I rarely drive off of the compound because when […]

Lessons from the Syrophoenician Woman

Towards the end of Mark 7, Jesus exited Galilee and entered the region of Tyre, Gentile territory.  He entered a house not wanting others to know he was there.  For some reason, he needed privacy, a time away.  From previous chapters, you know he needed a rest.  He fed the 5000, calmed a storm, was confronted by the religious leaders, and […]