Habits, Renovation, and Finding the Next Right Thing (June 2019 Reads)
1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
” Your identity is literally your ‘repeated beingness'” I think this quote from the book does a great job of stating the premise of the book. You are your habits. The author, James Clear, gives practical tips on how to go about making atomic changes that will become habits. It is not about will power but making habits obvious, attractive, and easy. His book gives some good examples on how to make that happen. I liked the book so much that I ended up buying a copy of the book for my son to read on his summer break.
Currently I am working on the habit of showing up in regard to my exercise. It is not so much that I do it perfectly or for a long time but that I keep doing it every day. I show up even if it is for 10 minutes. I am hoping to do the same with writing. Each day taking a pen in hand to write a few words or a lot. Hopefully in time, it will become a part of my daily routine.
2. The Next Right Thing by Emily Freeman
Even though, I have been listening to her podcast of the same name, I enjoyed walking the streets near our air b-n-b in California and listening to this book on audio. Emily’s voice is not only relaxing to listen to, but her ideas are practical. As I see possible decisions on the horizon, I know I will be going back to the truths and practices from this book.
Just one of many passages that I loved. …
“I’m going to say something that I can’t fully prove, and maybe it goes against what we’ve heard all of our lives, but the longer I walk with our Father God, our friend Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who lives and dwells in us, the more I have a hunch that he isn’t so concerned with the outcome of our decision, at least not in the same way we are. But he would be delighted to know that that decision we are carrying is moving us toward community and not away from it, that it is leading us to depend on others more and not less, and that it is turning our face toward his in a posture of listening with the hopeful expectation of receiving an answer.”
3. The Michelli Family Series by Kristen Heitzmann
This series includes Secrets, Unforgotten, and Echoes. It is a story of renovation of an inn, hearts, and figuring out how to be available to God. The books have characters that make you laugh and cry as they navigate secrets, past hurts, and making things right. One of the characters is a fantastic cook so be prepared to have a craving for freshly cooked Italian food. Each book has its own plot that keeps you wondering what will happen next or how that crisis will be resolved. Even though it is an older series, I am glad I took a friend’s suggestion to give it try when I asked for some ideas on what to read next.
What have you been reading? What is on your to-read list? (Links above are Amazon affiliate links)