
What I Learned In October (2018 Edition)

Today, it is Thanksgiving here in West Africa. It is a national holiday usually celebrated by going to church for a time of thanksgiving. Maybe later the family will gather for a meal together but nothing like we do in America. The focus is on being thankful. So I thought I would take a minute to list a few things that I am thankful for…
- My husband! He is my best friend. Even though I miss my kids, I am enjoying this empty nest season.
- That my husband was able to make it safely back to base yesterday after something went wrong on his airplane.
- That my student population is only increasing by 2 instead of 7 in January.
- W and Big D are doing well at their colleges and are in a good place with life.
- All the things I learned this month as I went though a New Testament Survey class online.
Hopefully I can keep an attitude of gratitude not only through this month but throughout the year. I love how in Ephesians 3:4 of the Message it says…
Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, those who follow Jesus have better uses for language than that. Don’t talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn’t fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect.
Thanksgiving is our dialect…
Here are my random lessons for October.
1. What It Means to Live In Christ
This is a lesson in progress and will be for the rest of my life. As I have studied Ephesians this month, the phrase in Christ has been jumping off the page. Just in chapter one of Ephesians, we find that in Christ…
- We were chosen before the world was made.
- We have redemption through His blood.
- All things will be gathered together at the fulness of time
- We have an inheritance.
Such a great reminder that it is all about Him. How to live that out is something that I am still learning, but for me it starts with understanding whose I am. This allows me to live life fully knowing I am not doing it in my own strength but in His.
2. Riding in a Helicopter Was Not Scary.
One Saturday this month, I was able to go along with a friend who was doing a training up country. Our transportation was our team’s helicopter. It was such a blessing to get out of the city and see this country from the air. I thought I might freak out because I don’t like heights. I was also a little nervous that I might get sick which happens on small planes. But all was good. Here are a few pictures from that day including a shot of our campus from the air.

3. How to Accent a Letter on My Mac
One of my new students has a French name with an accent. I want his name to be spelled right including the accent. So after some research I found out that you…
- Push option e
- Then the letter you want accented
- And you get…. í
- If you need the accent to go the other way, you push option ” then your letter.

(photo credit to my husband)
4. I Love Looking for Sea Glass
Looking for sea glass has become my favorite weekend diversion. I also pick up rocks that will be good for some craft projects I am planning. Sometimes I will go with my husband. Sometimes I wander along the beach alone, and other times, I will go with a friend. Being by the water relaxes me, and the hunt is fun. Here is a post I wrote about Sea Glass.
5. I Would Rather Eat at Home than Out
We don’t eat out a lot, but lately I have had no desire to dine out. Mostly I don’t want to spend the money. Unless we are going to the pricier places, we can cook better than what we would order at the restaurant. Instead, we have splurged a little bit on better cuts of meat and enjoyed cooking at home. Last weekend, my husband went to the fish market and bought an 18 pound tuna that we will be eating on for a while. He marinated a bit last week and fried it up on the stove. I was in charge of the sides. It was yummy! We have enjoyed talking and listening to music as we cook together.
6. It’s So Easy to Get in a Hurry Mode
This month I missed my slower rhythms. I know all seasons are different, but I felt hurried and was trying to do too much. For me, rhythm is more about a state of mind and where I am in my relationship with my Lord. It started innocently with me getting distracted from finishing my morning time to some mornings neglecting it all together. This month, my plan is to get back on track one day at a time.
I am still enjoying taking online Bible classes, but for me there is a danger of learning a lot of great things but not connecting with my Lord. Figuring out the balance is key. If you have any suggestions, I am open to hear them.
What have you learned this month? What is this season like for you? A quiet one? Busy one? Hard one? I would love to hear about it in the comments.
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I would just LOVE to meet somewhere between there and here to go sea glass hunting with you! Not much left around here on the eastern coast of Massachusetts anymore.
Your sea glass post was so cool!