What’s Keeping Me Sane: February 2017

What’s Keeping Me Sane: February 2017

Sane: (adj)
Of Sound mind; not mad or mentally ill
Reasonable; sensible
(Definition of sane according to the Oxford New American Dictionary)

This time of year I am usually ready for it to not be cold outside.  This year I am would welcome some cooler weather.  Living in West Africa, we have two seasons- rainy and dry.  Right now we are in dry season until April or May.  So ideally, sanity should not be an issue.  On the other hand, I am a teacher in the third quarter of our school year.  Even though students have just had a winter break, the third quarter still seems to drag.  A little more patience and grace is often needed.   

The past few years, Modern Ms. Darcy has had a link up where different bloggers share what is keeping them sane during the long winter months.  I am not sure if I qualify since I don’t have winter, but I am going to add my two cents into the mix.

So how am I staying sane as the honeymoon period of living in a new country has worn off, and my students are driving me crazy?
Really only two things: LOL and Routine…


During the Christmas holidays, I was off emotionally.  Even though my kids were home, I was fighting depression and feeling out of sorts.    I was off and need to get back on track.  In January,  I was part of Stacey Thacker’s online book club for her book Fresh Out of Amazing.  It was in the third chapter of her book that I came across LOL which has helped my spiritual and emotional state.

L: Live loved
O: Only one Audience member matters
L: Look to connect

Live loved… God loves me.  I need to remember that deep in my heart when things get crazy.  I need to not be so insecure in who I am because I am loved.  God reminded me that I am not only loved by him but by my family.  My daughter wrote me a sweet note before she headed back to the states reminding me of so many truths but most of all that I was loved.

Only one audience member matters: I am a people pleaser.  I want my students to be happy.  I want their parents to be happy.  But really it is God that matters.  When I focus on God and what He wants, everything else falls in place.  For me, this means spending more time in prayer seeking guidance and giving him my worries.

Look to connect: Stacey in her book talks about how as ladies we compare ourselves to each other but what would happen if instead we would look to connect.  Slowly I am doing that more and even reaching out to spend time with ladies in my neighborhood.  This does not come naturally but is something that I need. 

January has been good, and I hope that February continues to be that way.  When I am focused more on the vertical (God) than the horizontal (me), I am much more sane spiritually and emotionally.


My life is pretty predictable but that is okay in this season.  On week days, I have my morning walks and exercise time followed by my first 5 app.  My evenings include a supper with my honey and maybe a TV show followed by an evening walk where we debrief our day.  Then we will either read together or by ourselves.  Weekends are slower with fun breakfasts, our weekly shopping trip, and maybe coffee or lunch out.   Some nights we will have company but since our days are so busy, it helps to have our routine.

This routine keeps me sane.  The exercise keeps me healthy and lets out all my built up energy.  It also makes sure I get out of the house since my school is attached to my house.  My time with my honey insures we stay connected and on the same page.  Lastly, my weekends give me time to regroup and reboot.

Did I say that I only have two things keeping me sane?  Well I actually have a third- more clothes that I like.  Between a bale party, my daughter bringing in a few new shirts for me, and having a few skirts made, I now can go a week without doing laundry.  I also take less time getting ready in the morning.  Having more variety in my clothes has been fun for me.  There is just something about having some outfits that I enjoy that makes my day just a little better.

What is helping you stay sane?  Share in the comments or link up with Ms. Darcy.  


4 thoughts on “What’s Keeping Me Sane: February 2017

    • Author gravatar

      I liked your LOL explanation. Great concept!
      I linked up with MMD too (http://www.thebamblog.com/whats-saving-my-life-right-now/) This was such a fun and life-giving exercise! I enjoyed your list!

    • Author gravatar

      Fancy finding you here in blog link-up land …I should have suspected you might find Modern Mrs Darcy as I did 🙂 I love seeing the ways our lives(personalities) have similarities I wouldn't have realized when we lived in K@bul (like having an appreciation for evening and weekend routines with hubby when the days are busy. And I had to laugh when I saw your note about clothes as I recently blogged about the stress of not having enough these days 🙂 anyhow, happy serendipity to "find" you!

    • Author gravatar

      We do seems to keep finding each other. I love that we now live right next to each other countrywide.

    • Author gravatar

      Yes …serendipity 😊

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