Favorite Reads of 2016

This year was full of finishing book series that I had started and trying to read more non-fiction.  As we close out the year, I have read over 100 books.  I guess that is what happens when you travel a lot, don’t watch a lot of TV, and have a summer with lots of free time and not much else to do. (Of course […]

Christmas Musing 2016

This is our first Christmas in West Africa which also makes it our first Christmas at the beach.  Here and there are reminders of Christmas amidst the normal day to day comings and goings. My tree is decorated, and Christmas music is playing. Little by little it feels like Christmas. Each morning the last two weeks, my students and I read […]

Confronting the Pride in Me

This past week I was confronted with my pride.  It came out in my insecurities about my job and relationships.  It exposed its ugly head when I need to make an apology but instead wanted to make excuses about my behavior.  It crept in as I begin to think myself better because I thought about an issue a certain way.  […]