Books by Tessa and Ginny
Here are my short reviews as I link up again with Modern Ms. Darcy Quick Lit.
1. Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar
My favorite quote:
I’ve been spending more time in prayer. I am learning that obedience to God means that you do not put your eyes on your longings, but instead, you simply place one foot ahead of the other into the space that the Lord opens. Tired, wounded, overwhelmed. It does not matter. You merely keep moving where God directs and stop focusing on what you wish you had. It’s teaching me patience.
2. Lost and Found by Ginny Yttrup
Reality. Reality is a place I’ve avoided. It’s stark. Uncomfortable. Painful. If I live there, I have to feel, and stretch, and grow. I’ve preferred the land of Denial. It’s a dark, furtive place. Yet a place of seeming ease. But, I was wooed to Reality. My ticket paid for, at a great price, by another. One whose call I could no longer resist. And Reality isn’t a place one visits. No. Reality is a place of no return. But within its borders lies every good and perfect gift.
What have you been reading this month? Any recommendations?