
What I Learned In March (2016 Edition)
We have been in the states one full month. It has been quite the adventure as we have been figuring out what is next for us and visiting family. During the second week in March, our family gathered in Iowa for W and Big D’s spring breaks. It was a week full of scrabble, ping pong, long walks, tennis, and a few movies. Mom spoiled us with delicious meals, and hopefully we were able to spoil her a little back. Now the kids are back at school, and my husband and I are traveling heading towards Idaho.
Once again, I am linking up with Emily and others at Chatting at the Sky in what they have learned this month. Our lists range from the serious to the informative to the fun to the trivial. Here is my list.

(photo credit goes to Big D)
1. I Really Enjoy Being Able to Use My Inductive Study Bible
I know that many people are going digital, and my kindle is one of my most prized possessions. That said, when it comes to studying God’s word, I prefer an actual paper bible that I can write in. Due to where we lived and how heavy my bible was, I always had to leave it behind. It has been a blessing to spend some time reading and studying through Leviticus and Hebrews with the First 5 app using my print bible.
One of my favorite take aways from the Leviticus study this month comes from Whitney Capps.
God calls His people to be separate. Separate is hard. Hard is good. But God is best.
2. A Virus Can Cause One of Your Pupils to Be Bigger than the Other One.
According to different eye doctors, it should get better with time. As long as I don’t have any neurological issues, I should be okay. The good thing is that it should go away, and most people don’t seem to notice. The bad thing is that I can feel the difference which makes me not want to read or be on my computer as much. Then again, that may not be a bad thing. It also means that I need to have my sunglasses on when I am outside.
3. Sugar and Caffeine Are Harder to Give up Than I Thought It Would Be.
Okay, I only made it a few days. It didn’t help that we were on vacation, and temptation was everywhere. I did feel better with no or less sugar and caffeine. So I am still staying away from caffeine as much as possible and started doing half caf on my coffee. My weakness with sugar is actually soda fountain coke so I have been trying to limit that to once or maybe twice a week and sharing it with my husband. I figure every little bit counts. It is extra hard to have less caffeine and sugar when traveling. Any good suggestions on that front?
4. I Really Like Christopher and Banks Clothes
As I was going through my clothes stash here, it was like Christmas as I was finding clothes to wear that had been packed away while I was overseas. Most of the clothes in storage were from Christopher and Banks. Then again, most of the clothes in my suitcase are from Christopher and Banks. I found this store back when I started teaching. The store is small so it is not overwhelming, and the staff are always helpful. Plus I am always able to find some good deals as well as clothes that are comfortable and my style.

(Photo credit goes to Big D)
5. Sometimes God’s Leading Often Takes Us in Directions We Would Have Never Dreamed Of.
We know where we are going next!! I will write more about that soon. All I will say for now is that we are heading back overseas and sooner than we had originally planned. In some ways, I am feeling rushed on the timing but can see God working out all the details.
What are some things that you have learned in the month of March?
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