Two Reads I Highly Recommend
1. The King’s Folly by Jill Williamson

2. Why God Calls Us to Dangerous Places by Kate McCord
“We are not the saviors. We reveal Christ, but the work is always His. We ache to see people come to know him and grieve when those who do suffer terribly for their father. This, too, is part of the journey.” (p. 170-171)
“How can we keep living, keep loving, and keep giving in the dangerous places God calls us to? We remember, day after day, that Jesus loves us all and His Spirit is working within us and within our neighbors. Sometimes we have the privilege of seeing the fruit of God’s Spirit in our lives and in the lives of others. When we do, we rejoice. Other times we walk by faith, confident in the the things we hope for, the things we cannot see.”
As I read, I prayed for my fellow workers and friends back in Central Asia that they would see God’s heart in that place and that the seeds that have been planted would grow and come to harvest time. I also just put in an order for a few copies of this book to give to family and friends to say thank you for coming on this journey with us.
Once again I am linking up with Modern Ms. Darcy’s Quick Lit as different bloggers share what they have read this month. Also there are affiliate links in this post.