Links for Those in Transition

“This new road that I am on, bumpy and twisty as it may be, is the path that God has chosen for me. It is the best road. The only one worth taking.
If I keep looking back on the old way longingly, focusing on what I’ve lost rather than on what I have, I will miss the rewards of the new path.”
From Alison Bradley at Courage for a Better Story: A Better Story
In my post, Grieving a Dream, I write about how Alison’s post helped me start to process the past year and my school closing as well as start to look ahead to what God has for us.
From Jon Bloom at Desiring God: Will You Wrestle With God?
May I not shy away from the hard or wrestling with God.
“When God makes us wrestle him for some blessing(s), it is not because God is reluctant to bless us, even if that’s how it first feels. It is because he has more blessings for us in the wrestling than without it.”
From Ann Voscamp at A Holy Experience: When It is Time to Be Brave and Pray
A great reminder of how important prayer is in any season. This post even has a fun printable to go with it.
“We will be the strong and courageous and not pray for the hard to go away but we will pray for a Brave Faith Bigger than the hard to come.”
What are some blog posts that have been helpful to you this month in the season you are in?