Things that Take Time
1. Good soups and sauces.
We have an Italian friend who says it takes at least a day to make his favorite dishes. Think about all the soups that taste better after they have simmered on the stove for hours. Or how many dishes such as Nana’s chicken soup that taste better on the second day after all of the different flavors have had time to mingle. Some spices need time to simmer and work their flavors into the rest of the dish.
I am learning to enjoy the process of cooking- the chopping, stirring and creating each meal. These past few months, this is my hour to spend talking to my husband as I cook or even recruiting him to help with some chopping or stirring. It takes time but time that I need to destress and just enjoy life. Part of the fun is the process-the time. Of course, the tasting part is fun too as we enjoy our creations.
2. True Friendship
A few years ago we had the opportunity on home leave to spend the weekend with friends who had worked in Central Asia. What a blessing to be able to pick up where we left off. We are also blessed with friends who we did life with in Texas. They are always willing to let us back in their lives when we are home on leave. We step right in and join them where they are now.
Here in Central Asia, we were here two years before we felt like our local friends thought of us as friends and were comfortable coming to our house or us going to their house. Will these foriegners just pack up and leave? Can we trust them? These relationships took time, but it was time well spent. When an incident happens, I have many friends here who call to make sure I am okay. I have had offers to come to stay at their house if I need to. They have taught me many things about what true friendship is with their kindness and love towards to me. But these things took time on both ends.