To Read List for 2016

In 2015, I ended up reading more books than I planned.  In some ways, I feel I did better in my book choices, and other times I used reading as a nice escape or stress relief.  One of my goals for this year is to read books that are already on my kindle but also books that would be helpful to life right now.  By listing the books, I thought it would keep me accountable to stay on track. 

Books I want to finish:
To Reread:
  • Broken Down House by Paul David Tripp (I remember how much I got out of reading this book the first time.  With the world being as crazy as it is, I figured this book deserved a second look.)
  • Girl Meets Change by Kristen Strong (I loved this book in the fall and since more change seems to be on the horizon, I would like to be ready for it.  A second read will hopefully reinforce the principles.)
Books on My Kindle that Would Be Good for this season:
That makes nine books which is totally doable.  Any other suggestions to make it twelve, one for each month?  What is on your list to read this year? 

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