Christmas Musing 2015

Our two room apartment with our frig in the hallway is full of our family together once again, and it is wonderful to have the kids home. So what if logistics for showers are a little crazy, or my bedroom floor is full of open suitcases. W and Big D made it here on Saturday. It has been a blessing to show them our new city and new home. We have went on walks, made Christmas goodies, and spent time with our team. Our Christmas will be quiet but just right. It is so delightful to connect in person and not across a computer screen.
- May we be like Mary who was willing to let the Lord use us even if she didn’t really understand what that would mean and how much it might hurt. What does God have for me in this season that may seem crazy but is where He is leading?
- May we be like Joseph obeying God at possibly the cost of his reputation. He didn’t give up when he didn’t find a room but pressed on. He left all he knew to take this mother and child to Egypt so they would be safe. May we follow faithfully even when it is hard.
- May we be like the Wise Men who sought the truth even when it took them miles and miles away from home. They were willing to give costly gifts to a king that was just still a baby. What faith that took. May we seek the truth in this time of so much information it is hard to know what is true.
- May we not be like Herod who was threatened by a King he did not understand or like the Inn keeper who turned away a couple in need. May we not be ruled by fear but by the peace of Christ. May we always have room in our lives for the opportunities God sends our way.
- May this Christmas find you with peace in your heart even as the world is slightly chaotic.
May we find joy in the midst of a year of waiting, sorrow, and things we didn’t understand. May this day and next bring you into God’s presence and find you worshipping once again as the shepherds and wise men did at the feet of Jesus. Amen