Are Your Friends Different?
“The more alike we are -the less a body we are. We are being less of a church. It is harder to be around people who are different than you. When we group with only those who are like us, we miss out. There needs to be room in our groups for those who are different.” (our pastor in Central Asia)
The more alike we are-the less a body we are. The body is only healthy when each part is doing its part-the part God has called us to do. The great thing is that we each have something to offer. Everyone has their quirks but we also each have our gifts. It is when we don’t let those quirks get in that way that we are truly able to love one another. It is when we truly love one another that we best show the world who Jesus is.
What does that mean here in this new city and new season? New makes me want to gravitate to those that are like me-those who might understand me better. I forget that sometimes those who are different see me more clearly. I forget that growth comes in reaching out to those who are different from me. God often uses me best when I am slightly outside my comfort zone.
My prayer is that on this team and in this season, I will faithfully love and serve those God has put me with. I pray that God will give me some local friends so I can learn about this new place, their views on life, and how I can best serve them. I pray that I will not shy away from different.