Tears Musing

Do you ever have those seasons where tears seem to come more easily than you would like?   I am in one of those seasons.  It would be okay if the tears would wait to fall until after I am in my house all by myself.  Sometimes they refuse to wait as much as I try to distance myself from the emotion that is wanting to take […]

Are Your Friends Different?

(Photo Credit: Emma and Olivia) Hopefully your friends are not of the lego variety, but are they different?  When I ask if they are different, I am not necessarily asking if they are strange although they might be.  I am asking if your friends are different than you.  I was just thinking today how we so often want our friends to be like us when what […]

What’s My Motive (James Two Verses at a Time x2)

We are all on a journey and on that journey we need people.  People who can help us along that journey.  We network which can be a great thing.  It helps people, organizations, and companies get things done.   Networking connects people with other people.  It is valuable in tough situations.  It helps people get things accomplished in a more […]

5 Things I Learned in August (2015 Edition)

This month began with our family coming back together after a month apart and is ending with us dropping off our son at boarding school.  It has been a good but hard month.  We have laughed.  We have cried.  My feet have been in Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, Iceland, Switzerland, and now Germany.  Before I prematurely divulge my lessons for this month, I should […]