
What I Learned in May 2015 Edition
This month has been full of finishing school, family conference, and enjoying the spring weather before it gets too warm. Iced coffee and cherry limeades are more frequent as well as games of bocce ball out on the lawn or friendly chats on the outside swing. Here are a few things I learned this month.

1. Graduation is important.
W’s graduation was a simple affair with the other family that I homeschooled this semester. It was a time for each parent, sibling, and even the teacher to affirm the students especially the seniors. The two graduates dressed up, had lots of pictures taken, and spoke a few words to their families. We enjoyed cake and ice cream with a lasagna dinner later in the evening. Graduations are happy and sad affairs but are a good way to have closure on this season and open up the next one. Oh, and W did get to wear her dress. If you are wondering what I am talking about, read a Tribute to My Daughter.
2. I Realized I am Scared to Take Some of my Friendships to the Next Level.
I crave deeper friendships where I can really share my heart but I find myself holding back. It is like I am setting up boundaries where a person can get so close and that is it. I can blame it on being busy schooling my kids or that friendships take time but really I am just scared about being vulnerable to someone new. God has blessed me with some great long distance friendships where we can connect through Skype or iMessage, but it is time for me to engage more here in this place. It is something I am praying about and looking to see how to do life here better and deeper.
3. Chautona Havig Books are Great Destresser Books.
Her plots are light-hearted but thought-provoking. They are not too intense, and her characters from one series will often show up in another series. It is always nice to run into an old friend even if it is in a book. (Okay, that statement probably is a sign that I read too many books.) Also her books are often free or really cheap. My favorite series of hers is Aggie’s Inheritance. The series I read this month was the Hartfield Mysteries which is about murder mystery writer, Alexa Hartfield who a flair for Jane Austen.
4. When Your Husband Suggests “I Think You Can Do This.” Watch out!!
One day last week my husband came home and was talking about the teacher need we have at our team’s remote location. He told me that I should think about if I could do it. I would be teaching two fifth graders and a 7th grader. I have been praying about what I would do in the fall once both kids are gone. This is the first thing that I have thought would be a good fit. It is not a sure thing and would require a move. It would be challenging but maybe just what I need to do next. For now we wait for our flight permissions to be renewed and a few other open doors. The important thing for me is that I said “Yes,” and I am letting God take care of the rest. So for now we wait.
5. We Have a Lot of Stuff.
I thought I purged last year before we left for the summer, but we still have lots of stuff. W did a great job of getting all her things into two suitcases and a crate. Now I just need to find a home for all the clothes she didn’t want to keep. I have been going through our things trying to get rid of the excess in case we move. It is a good thing to do every year even if there isn’t a possible move. One challenge for me is that I have too many clothes. I have clothes for the four seasons plus I have different clothes that I wear here than I do when I am in the states. So hopefully I can taper down a bit more in the next few weeks.
What have you learned this month? Has God been leading you in a new direction? Any advice on decluttering?
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Your statement about running into old friends in a book made me laugh!! Cause I totally identify! 🙂 I am guilty of re-reading books possibly way too many times.. instead of venturing out to read new ones. In the same way, I stick with my old friends I love and am comfortable with, and sometimes hold back from making new ones! Funny how books can reveal a lot about us. 🙂