Marriage Musing

June is the month for weddings.  In fact, my husband and I were married 23 years ago this month.  It has been quite the adventure.  As we watched our wedding video this week, I saw a much younger version of me- one who still had a lot of growing up to do and many things to learn about marriage.    I look in the mirror […]

My Anything Musing

Book Review: Anything, well, could be anything.  Anything could be something big like moving across the ocean, or adopting a child.  It might be something small like inviting your neighbor over for coffee, or giving up a little bit of sleep to have more time in God’s word.  In her book, Anything, The Prayer that Unlocked My Soul and My […]

June Worship Musing

Yesterday in our family worship time, we sang “Sovereign” by Michael W. Smith.   As we sang, the words soaked in reminding me of truths I already knew.  Worship is like that.  It centers us back on truth whether it is old truth or new truth.  Worship helps us remember that while we want to change our circumstances, God wants […]

What I Learned in May 2015 Edition

This month has been full of finishing school, family conference, and enjoying the spring weather before it gets too warm.  Iced coffee and cherry limeades are more frequent as well as games of bocce ball out on the lawn or friendly chats on the outside swing.   Here are a few things I learned this month. 1. Graduation is important. […]