What I Learned in March (2015 edition)

What I Learned in March (2015 edition)

Our month started with snow and is ending with flowers blooming on the trees and beautiful sunny days.   We are slowly counting off our school days trying to catch up on days since our first semester was short.  Our days have a certain rhythm to them-Sat/Mon/Wed: school with all four of my students, Sun/Tues: Work days but also time to get together with friends or do errands, Thurs: half day of school with something fun and family time, Friday: Our day of rest.   Today I am taking the time to look back and see what I have learned this month.  I am also linking up with Emily at Chatting at the Sky as she and other bloggers share what they have learned this month.  The list can be serious, funny or just whatever.

Here is my list.

1. Revelation is about God’s heart for people.

This past month I went through a Thrive bible study by LaWanda Neel on Revelation.  I went in knowing that Revelation is a book about worship and endurance but what stood out to me was all the chances God gave people to repent even though many did not.  It was a good study for me since it didn’t get sidetracked about end time positions or what would happen when.  One of my favorite quotes was

In every age, God speaks clearly to those who will hear.”

My prayer is that I will hear and obey.  This next month, I am looking forward to starting a bible study on James with some ladies on my team.

2. I am Becoming an Electricity Expert at Least for my House.

Our electricity mostly comes from city power, but we also have solar panels with batteries and a generator for backup.  Due to a snow storm at the beginning of the month, most days we have city power for just a few hours and maybe in the middle of the night.  We are lucky because we have backups.    I have learned to vacuum, iron, and do laundry when city power is on even if it is not a convenient time for me.  I have learned when the generator needs to be turned so that the batteries don’t run dry.  This also includes deciding if the water heater needs to be turned on or a load of laundry needs to be done on the generator or I should wait.   I am thankful that most days are sunny since our solar panels keep the basics going.  I also realize how blessed I am to have back up.  Many here just have to make do.  

3. I Have Enjoyed My Husband’s Cooking

This month my dear husband has treated us to cheesy ham biscuits, smoked hamburgers, smoked chicken, waffles, and a egg potato skillet.  Notice his specialities are smoked meats and breakfast.  I like that he enjoys helping with the meals on the weekends.  It gives me a break even if I am still making the sides.  I look forward to growing old with this guy and making more meals together. 

4. This is a Season for Reaching out and Getting out.

Winter is over, and our security is better.  We have enjoyed walking to places near us.  Last week W and I made a trip into the city to get some groceries.  Our fun finds were cheddar cheese, Arizona teas, and real brown sugar.   We have been to visit friends in different parts of the city even going to a restaurant last week.  Our team came over, and we had our first pizza party of the season. (See our pizza oven below)  These things may seem ordinary, but for us they mean more freedom after being restricted in our movements.   

5.  Communicating in  a Second Language Takes Time and Work.

When I worked at the international school,  I taught in English.  Now that I am homeschooling and at home more, I have more need to use my language skills.  Sometimes it is easy to just try and make do with the language I have.  The trouble is that to go deeper with my local friends, I need to be able to talk to them in their language and not just expect them to communicate in English.  It is great motivation to work on my language, but it takes discipline.   Some days I do great.  Other days my brain is tired from teaching, and all I want to do is curl up with a good book.   My hope is that this month I will be more consistent.   The bonus is that getting together with local friends is fun and good practice.  
What have you learned this month?  Thanks for stopping by.

1 thought on “What I Learned in March (2015 edition)

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for the insight into Revelation, I may check that out!
      It sounds like you're on the adventure of a lifetime right now with your living arrangement.
      I'm stopping by from Emily's, thanks for sharing 🙂

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