Staying the Course

This year has had its ups and downs.  I’ve seen changes, evacuations, deaths, and many good-byes.  In the craziness of it all, I have seen God’s faithfulness and understand in a new way what it means to trust in God with all of my heart. There have been many times this fall, my emotions have threated to derail me from my calling here.  Instead of focusing on the mission, I was tempted to focus on all the good-byes.  Instead of putting my energy into serving my family and students, I struggled with insecurities and fears.  It is so easy to get distracted from what God wants us to do. It is in times like this that a word from God is just what we need.  The first word came from a memory verse app I have on my phone as I was sitting in the airport ready to go on vacation. The second word came from my daily reading on my 2nd day of vacation.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.  I Cor 15:58

Take the old prophets as your mentors.  They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God.  What a gift life is to those who stay the course.  James 5:10, 11 The Message

Those verses stood out to me in a new way.  It was like God was directly telling me to the stay the course, to not give up or give in.  It sounds easy enough but I have a feeling it is going to be tougher than it looks.  Life is changing each day where I live.  I can’t walk on the streets.  I can’t shop in the bazaar.  Electricity is on a every other day rotations unless we get a lucky break.  The future is unknown.   Some days I see hope.  Other days I struggle with loneliness and insecurities.   Some days I am bursting with joy and purpose.  Other days I wrestle with fear.   That is why I feel like these verses were a gift from God.

So in the midst of uncertainty, I am certain of one thing.  I am to stay the course.   What exactly that looks like I do not know.  For now, it means loving and taking care of my family.  When school starts back up, it means loving on my students and giving them my best even on the days I want to give up or send them all to the office.  It means doing the thing God has set before me until he tells me to take the next turn.  

Where or with what is God asking you to stay the course?  What distracts you from being steadfast?  

Dear God, Help me to stay the course.  On the days I am discouraged and want to give up, may I look up and see you and all the strength and hope you bring.  Be with my family.  Strengthen us and make us shining lights for the journey ahead.  Amen

1 thought on “Staying the Course

    • Author gravatar

      Very encouraging verses! I think I'll print those and put them up to read regularly. I get distracted by the busyness of life. There seem to be too many things to do, and I feel overwhelmed. I need to focus on one task at a time and work for the Lord, not for men. Then my labor will not be in vain, right?
      Love you, Friend!

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