10 Things to Remember About the Comparison Game

Being back in the states has resurrected some of my old securities.  I find myself wanting to buy some new clothes that I will only wear for a few months.  Then I beat myself up that I can only run 3 miles because most of my friends are running four.  Instead of being thankful I can run at all.  It’s not like […]

Every Coin Has Two Sides

(from Flikr: Martin Fisch) In our travels, we have accumulated all sorts of coins.  I am not even sure where some of the coins are from.  One thing each coin has in common is that they all have two sides, and each side is different.  Usually one side indicates how much the coin is worth while the other side might […]

Quotes-Summmer 2014

(from flikr/Chris) This summer I am slowly working on my to-read list for the year with some fun reads mixed in.  I have been challenged and inspired.  It has also been a blessing to have conversations with friends about what I am reading and learning as well as what they are reading and learning.  Here are a few of my favourite quotes from the books and […]

Changing Our Cravings

(photo from Classroom 2.0) What do you crave or cling to when stress, loneliness or hard times come your way?  Food?  Sleep?  Media?  Busyness?  Exercise? Or maybe even something else?   I often crave a nice cold glass of coke with lemon, a fluff book, or maybe a TV show marathon with my kids.  Okay, maybe I should add dark […]

Summer Reads 2014

This summer I have been trying to read books that have been on my kindle for a long time.  Sometimes I start reading the book intrigued by the title, and other times I skim a few reviews to see if the book is what I want to read right now. The first method is actually a lot more fun. Seeing all the books I haven’t […]

8 Things Learned in June

As June draws to an end,  I am yet again in a new location.  The transitions have their ups and downs and for the most part are never dull.  June has been our month to relax and rest from a busy year.  May was filled with traveling back to America, settling back in, and finishing up school with W and […]