An Insecurity Musing

Tonight I am missing my honey a lot.  He left to go back to Central Asia, and life without him is just not the same.  The teens and I have been blessed beyond measure by the hospitality of friends and family who are letting us spend time with them and interrupt their lives, but we are one member short in […]

What Puts You on the Sidelines?

(photo by Joe Shlabotnik) In a little under an hour, many people will be watching the USA vs. Portugal game in the 2014 World Cup.   Even though I am not a soccer fan, I have found myself watching bits and pieces of the different games and keeping up on the winners and losers of each game.  I am not […]

The Challenge of Summer

Technically summer doesn’t start until next week, but for all practical purposes, ours has started.  School is finished.  Grades are in.  It is hot enough to swim and too hot to run in the middle of the day.  I love summers.  Being a teacher, summer gives me time to get caught up on projects around the house, exercise a bit more, practice language, […]