Quotes-Spring 2014

Quotes-Spring 2014

One of my most faithful readers to TJ’s musings is my father-in-law.  The other day I asked him what posts he enjoyed most.  His answer was the quotes.  These posts are my favourites’ too because they help me see my journey through the years and what I am learning from others.  Tomorrow is Papaw’s birthday so in his honour I thought I would once again share my favourite quotes for the past few months. 
Happy Birthday Papaw.  Thank you for supporting me on my journey.  

From Blaise Pascal, mathematician.

Lord, help me to do great things as though they were little since I do them with your power; and little things as through they were great since I do them in your name.”

 From Ann Voscamp at A Holy Experience in her post, One Simple Secret to Effective Time Management This Week. 

A pail with a pinhole loses as much as a pail pushed right over.  A whole life can be lost in minutes wasted, small moments missed.

The best use of time is to freely love.  The best way to love is spend time.  The best time to love is right now.

From Lysa Terkeurst in her post Day 2 in the Holy Land

Messy realities were in the midst of the miracles……Now here is what happens in my life… I get so focused on the mess, I miss the miracles.

From John Ortberg in his guest post, How to Care for the Most Important Part of You, at a Holy Experience.  

The difference between talking to yourself and talking to your soul is the soul exists in the presence of God.

From Hebrews 12:28-29 ESV

Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire.

 From Breaking the Islam Code by JD Greer (p. 133) A reminder of the job God has called me to in the coming months.

Intercessory faith, then, is standing in the place of a lost person and believing in what God wants to do in their lives, thereby releasing God’s power on their behalf.  Intercessory faith is the privilege and responsibility given to us as Christians, God’s earthly “kingdom of priests.”

From Broken-Down House by Paul David Tripp.  This book’s words were perfect timing for the past few months.

Only when you are confronted by the fact of God’s ultimate, comprehensive, flawless authority, can you stop being afraid of human authority.  When you truly know that the ‘king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord'(Prov 21:1) you can be freed from anxiety of flawed human rule.

To be called to wait it to be called to the activity of remembering: remembering who I am and who God is.  To be called to wait is to be called to the activity of worship:worshiping God for His presence, wisdom, power, love, and grace.  To be called to wait is to be called to the activity of serving: looking for ways to lovingly assist and encourage others who are also being called to wait.  To be called to the activity of praying: confessing the struggles of my heart and seeking the grace of the God who has called me to wait. 

From Grace for the God Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life by Emily Freeman (p. 212)

My only option is to trust in the One who holds all things together, even when they fall apart.  To trust even when it doesn’t feel true.  To believe in safety even when I don’t feel safe.  To set my mind on what is true even when it feels foolish and naive.  One of the hardest times to remember God’s truth is in the midst of strong emotion.  Fear, worry, or even excitement can cloud our perception of truth.  If it doesn’t feel true, it’s hard to believe it is true.

From Kelly M. Kapic in A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology.  I am finding some great nuggets of truth in her words.

One of the great dangers in theology is making our faith something we discuss rather than something that moves us.  We lapse into this problem when we treat God as the mere object of our study rather than as the Lord we worship. 

For I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to understand. 

Pride has lost sight of the gap between the holy Creator and sinful humanity, producing self absorption and contempt for others.  Humility has a vision of God’s majesty, love and forgiveness in Christ, producing love for God and one’s neighbours. (Phil 2:1-5) 

Dear God, Help us to cherish and take advantage of the moments and opportunities you send our way in the coming months.  We praise you that you are in control of Presidents and men.  All things are in your hand.  In our waiting, may we be active in remembering, worshiping and serving.  Most of all, may we trust in you and you alone when our emotions want to take control.  In Your Son’s name, Amen

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1 thought on “Quotes-Spring 2014

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for sharing these quotes. You should know you are a blessing to me and to our family! I am thankful for how God uses your heart to bring these refreshing words.


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