March 2014 Lessons: Central Asia Edition

This month has flown by quickly.  We are settling into sort of a routine and enjoying the first signs of Spring.   Since we have been back just over a month, all my lessons have to do with our life here in Central Asia. Once again, I am linking up with Emily at Chatting at the Sky for lessons learned […]

Liberty and This Land

This morning I ran circles around my yard while listening to my Easter mix on my iPod.  I am not at liberty to run on the streets here but was needing some exercise outside.  My yard is small, and I didn’t run for long.  It was liberating though.  The air was cold.  The sky was clear, and my ears were […]

My Library Book Reads:March 2014

My new library card is a blessing and a curse.  I am enjoying the benefits of having access to a library online while living overseas.  On the other hand, I have been reading more fluff than I would like, but it has been a fun diversion. I noticed that all my books read this month are from the library. This is a first for […]

Why I Am Glad We Homeschooled This Year

Let me first of all tell you what this post is not.  It is not intended to persuade you to homeschool or make you feel bad if you don’t.  Nor is it a post about homeschooling being the best option.  This post is a story of our family’s journey this year, and why I am glad we chose this route. […]

When We Want to Believe.. John 11

In John 11, Jesus arrives in Bethany four days after Lazarus has been buried.   Upon hearing of Jesus’s arrival, Martha decides to go out to meet Jesus rather than wait for him at the house. Why?  Maybe she needed some fresh air or maybe she had a few words she wanted to say to him without others hearing.  We […]

Things Learned in February 2014 Edition

The mornings and nights are cold but the days are sunny.  Our bodies are no longer jet lagged, and we are settling back into a routine here in Central Asia.  It is good to be home.  This morning my husband has left for work, the call to prayer has sounded, and it is just me here with my computer and […]