5 Things I Learned in January (2014)

5 Things I Learned in January (2014)

This month has been full of ups and downs whether it is temperature changes, keeping up with school, or plans changing.  In two weeks, we head back to Central Asia.  We are ready.   Just a few more checks to go, and we are on our way.

1. Good good-byes are important.  The first weekend of January, my Prince Charming and I flew to Washington to say good-bye to a colleague that had died.  It was good for us to be there for his family but also to be there for us as we grieve.  The second weekend in July, Big D flew by himself to Kentucky to say good bye to his best friend whose family has decided not to come back to Central Asia.  He had a good trip and felt some closure.  I am sure their paths will cross again someday but having this time was good for both of them.  Plus Big D was able to be independent and knew that we  cared about him and his feelings.

2. Just because a door is open doesn’t mean it will be easy.   Prince Charming is finishing up some certifications this month.  He has worked so hard and has one left this week.  Nothing has gone close to the plan because of the school’s schedule and also because of weather.   Beware of using the word unlimited flexibility because you might end up getting tested on it.

3. I can crochet.  Well I already knew I could crochet but this winter I learned some new stitches through a lot of trial and error and some youtube videos.  I found the pattern on Pinterest and thought it looked fun.  I didn’t notice that it said intermediate on the skill level.   The sampler afghan was for W so I let her pick out the colours.  I wasn’t sure how they would all look together but she loves the blanket so that is all that matters.   Now I am not sure what to do with my hands when we are watching TV.  I guess I will have to find a new project.

4.  Some things are not obvious.  Look at the straws in the picture below.  What do you notice?

Did you see how one has a straw upside down?  But which one is upside down?  I would say the one on the right but my dear friend would say the one on the left.   Mine is right side up because my way keeps my straw from falling out if my cup was upside down.  My friend would say, “When are you going to put your cup upside down?”  Good point!!  Hers (the one on the right) is correct because when you go to refill your cup the straw doesn’t fall out when you lift up your lid.   Neither of us changed our opinion but it was a fun conversation about how people view things differently.  Neither was right or wrong just different.

5. We are ready to go back to Central Asia.  In August, we arrived tired and worn.  Now we feel energised and healthy- emotionally, spiritually and physically.   We have enjoyed our time with family and friends here but Central Asia feels like home and that is where our work is.  I am excited that next month I will be writing my list from Central Asia.

What have you learned this month?

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