Quotes-January 2014

January has been a month of getting back into a good routine. DH is finishing up his flight training. The kids and I are doing school. It has been a good month to plan for the next year and work on a few projects. I haven’t read as much as usual but here are a few of my favourite quotes from the month.
From Lysa Terkeurst in her blog post, 5 Scriptures to Pray Over Your Marriage
“Determine to pray more words over your marriage than you speak about your marriage.”
From Tony Reinke in his book, LIT!:A Christian Guide to Reading Books
“The excellence of a believer is not that he has a large grasp of things, but that what he does grasp, which may be very little, he sees it in the light of the Spirit of God, in a saving, soul-transforming light; and this is that which gives us communion with God.”
“Christians can read a broad array of books for our personal benefit, but only if we read with discernment. And we will only read with discernment if the biblical convictions are firmly settled in our minds and hearts. Once they are, we have a touchstone to determine what is pure gold and what is worthless.”
From Remembering Christmas by Dan Walsh
p. 141
Art in a conversation with his stepson Charlie. He said, “Charlie, how would you treat people if you knew you didn’t have to fix them? If you knew that was God’s job, and all he was asking of you was to show them his love, maybe tell them some things he wanted them to know.”
From Christianish: What if We’re Not Really Following Jesus at All? by Mark Steele
p. 197
“If we can somehow come to the point of shutting down the selfishness-choosing to guard our hearts consistently through our days so that our wants do not win-then the world just might see Jesus again. The real Jesus. Not just Christians. “
From Grave Consequences: A Novel by Lisa T. Bergen
‘Arthur came up beside me and leaned his forearms on the edge of the wall. “How many men and women found themselves here because it was truly their holy calling, and how many came because everyone around them told them it was their holy calling?” It was an impossible question, so I remained silent. But his words rang in my head. How much did we do in life that was the result of what others around us demanded? Rather than what God was calling us to do? What was God calling me to do? Now? Lord, show me. I’m yours. Lead me…’
From Breaking the Islamic Code by JD Greer
“We are not trying to win arguments, we are trying to win a person…. Our role is not to vindicate the righteous and restore justice to the earth, but to testify to the gospel of grace.”
From Graceful by Emily P. Freeman
p. 74
“There is more power in sharing our weaknesses than our strengths.”
Dear God, Work in and through me. Amen
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