July/August Quotes 2013
For us, summer is coming to a close. I have enjoyed a slow summer of hanging out with Big D, reading and piddling around the house. My husband has enjoyed more thought out meals and I have had time to get caught up with friends. This last week, we had a three day holiday to celebrate the end of Ramadan and our family enjoyed visiting friends. Since I know the rest of August will be busy, I thought I would just join my favorite quotes for the months of July and August. Sorry it might be a bit long since I have been reading a bunch.
From Lysa Terkeust in her book Unglued. ( I think I have used this one before but it is still good the second time around)
“Condemnation defeats us. Conviction unlocks the greatest potential for change.”
Also from her book.
“When faced with a situation out of our control, we need to ask, “Whose side am I on?” Will our response reflect that we are on God’s side or not? If we determine that, no matter what, we’re on God’s side, it settles the trust issue in our hearts. And if we ground ourselves in the reality that we trust God, we can face circumstances that are out of our control without acting out of control.”
From Henry Cloud in his book, Changes that Heal: How to Understand Your Past to ensure a Healthier Future
p.83 “No real and deep change occurs outside of relationship and trust, for that is the place where the heart lives.”
p. 152 “If we feel responsible for other people’s feelings, we can no longer make decisions based on what is right; we will make decisions based on how others feel about our choices.”
From Craig Grosechel in his book Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
p.111 “Put simply, envy is when you resent God’s goodness in other people’s lives and ignore God’s goodness in your own.”
From Francis Chan in his book Crazy Love
p. 73 From C.S. Lewis, “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this one.”
p.91 From Tim Kizzler, “Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”
From Tamara Alexander in her novel Rekindled
p.110 “The outward scars aren’t what determine what a man will become. It’s the inward scars that can keep a man from living the life God intended.”
From Ginny Yttrup and her novel Invisible (I think this was my favorite read this summer)
p. 138 “The house of my soul is too small for You to come to it. May it be enlarged by You. It is in ruins: restore it.”
From Julie Ferwerda in her book One Million Arrows
p.29 “Frederick Buechner, one of America’s foremost writers and theologians, once said, ” The place God calls you to (your ministry) is the place where your deepest gladness and the world’s deepest hunger meet.”
p.35 “You know what is lacking?” Mark Batterson asks. “Good old fashioned guts! We need people who are more afraid of missing opportunities than making mistakes. People who are more afraid of lifelong regrets than temporary failure. People who dare to dream the unthinkable and attempt the impossible.”
For me, it has been a lot to think and reflect about and hopefully put into action.
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