The Best Series You Have Never Heard of in Fantasy

A few years ago I kept coming across a book that looked interesting in the library.  I finally checked it out and took it home.  By the end of the month, I had read the whole series and not accomplished as much as I needed to around the house.  The series was the Legends of the Guardian-King by Karen Hancock.

The series which starts with the The Light Of Eidon (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #1)
 begins with Abramm, the fifth son of the king, getting ready to take his vows to become similar to what we think of as a priest today.  The setting is medivial but in a world different than ours.  Abramm finds out that things aren’t as they seem or not what he has been taught.  Instead of taking his vows, he ends up getting sold into slavery and later becomes a gladiator.  Along the way, he finds the Light and his life is never the same.  The four book series tells his journey through all its ups and downs.  It is an allegory of a man battling his shadow and trying to hold onto the light.

One thing I really enjoyed about the first book is that you had to really think through the plot to figure out who are the good guys and the bad guys and what is the truth.  The first book is actually free on kindle if you want to check it out.  Our family actually enjoyed the books so much it is the only series we brought overseas in paper form.   It has been fun lending the books out to friend and having them enjoy the story as much as we did.

I am linking up with the Modern Ms. Darcy and others who are posting about books you have never heard of.  I have already put a few of their suggestions on my to read list.  

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