Somewhere over the Ocean

As I write this, my daughter is somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean heading for a summer of adventure. A summer where she will figure out what life is like in America, where she will make some of her own choices, and where she can learn to drive. What seemed like a good idea in January is still a right idea now but also hard and scary. As a mom, I have all sorts of what ifs? What if she doesn’t make her connection? What if she misses home too much? What if people don’t accept her and all her third cultureness?
Don’t we everyday need to entrust our children to the One who is above all things? How much more so when they are starting on a new journey. I already see His provision in how He provided teacher friends to accompany her most of the way on her journey. I see his provision in grandparents who are welcoming her into their home for the summer. I see his faithfulness in the way God is making W. into a young lady after His own heart.
So even though it is hard to be away from her, I can’t wait to see her fly. I can’t wait to see her driving. I can’t wait to see her being independent in her choices. I can’t wait to see her strong in who she is in a culture that wants everyone to conform. I can’t wait to see how she will grow more into the young lady that God wants her to be.
Here is my prayer for her.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You alone see all things. You alone control the universe. Be with W. as she travels. Send your angels to protect and guard her from harm. Help her to make her connection and arrive safely to her destination. Be with her time with family. Help her to reconnect with them. Be with her as she learns to drive, gets a job and learns all about American culture as a teenager. May she stay connected to you. May she grow in her walk with you. Send her good friends. Send her people who will help her grow in her faith. May she always remember that her family here and there both love her very much and most of all you love her too. When she feels alone or unsure of what to do, wrap your arms around her and give her words of wisdom. Thank you for the people who you have sent to be a part of Winter’s journey. Bless them. In Your Son’s Name, Amen
1 thought on “Somewhere over the Ocean”
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I know I have said this, in some form or fashion in the past, but it is simply the truth and so bears repeating: W is blessed to have you as her mother. And we are all blessed to see your example! W will do well in life. She is already doing well!