Quotes-May 2013

Quotes-May 2013

I have a confession to make.  I love quotes.  I love writing them down in my journal.  The reason I do these posts once a month is for me.  It gives me a reason to look back on what I thought was important in the last month.  It also makes it a lot easier to find the quote later since I can do a search not just flip pages.  So here are some of my favorites from this month.

From Tate who has been blinded by an accident on a horse in the Visitor by Lori Wick.
When my world went black, I tried to remember that God asked hard things of Moses, and He has a right to ask hard things of me.  It does no good to be angry with God.  He has a plan and no plan of His can be thwarted.  I worked to agree with His plan about my vision.  I didn’t want to be blind.  I wanted to see again, but I knew if God’s plan was different, I had better learn to accept it.”

From Ann Voscamp at A Holy Experience in her post on April 30, 2013
“The only way to ever find the comforter is outside of your comfort zones-no wonder being safe leaves you restless.”
“The moment you stop caring what other people think- is mostly likely when you start doing what God wants.”

Random quote: “Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.” Lin Yutang

From John Piper: “The essence of legalism is when faith is NOT the engine of obedience.

From Messy Church by Ross Parsley
But seriously, Jesus wasn’t looking for leaders He could turn into servants.  He was looking for servants who would be willing to be developed into leaders.  He took raw, undisciplined, unschooled, and ordinary men; and they became world changers.”

“In this next generation coming up, we’re going to have to lovingly and patiently teach them the truth through a process that takes longer than it used to.  The fear and insecurity of a divorce culture have stunted the growth of our twenty somethings.  We’re going  to have to teach them how to live in a healthy family.  We’ve got to model it and provide security and stability for them as they grow.  We’re going to have to train them to trust and show them that it’s safe to process with a person in authority without risking their livelihood.  We’re going to have to repair the damage and watch the miracle unfold as God re-creates the family in our churches.”

From Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst
Toxic thoughts are so dangerous because they leave no room for truth to flourish.  And lies are what reign in the absence of truth.”

“But when the rhythm of my soul is survival instead of revival, I will come unglued.”

Dear God, As I sit here with my foot propped up may I be on your plan.  May I show grace and love in all circumstances.  Show me those you want me to mentor and invest in even if it takes me outside my comfort zone.  Lastly, take out those toxic thoughts that want to take over and replace them with your truth.  In Your Son’s Name, Amen

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3 thoughts on “Quotes-May 2013

    • Author gravatar

      I love quotes too but I tend to read them and think how much I like them and then forget about them. Putting them in a journal is a great idea. Hope you don't mind if I copycat and start sharing my own favorites. You have some good ones here that not only speak a lot about where you are and have been spiritually and emotionally but are also applicable to the rest of us. Praying for your foot!

    • Author gravatar

      Nancy, Copycat away. I can't wait to read your quotes.

    • Author gravatar

      Thanks for sharing what you are learning with me!
      Love you!

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