7 + Lessons I Learned in June

Today I am linking up with Chatting At the Sky as she does her lessons learned in June. Each month she writes a blog about what she has learned that month. This month she invited others to join in. I thought it would be fun to link up. I like lists and many of my posts have to do with the lessons I am learning- perfect fit or at least close. So here are my lessons for the month of June.
1. I really did love my students this year. Even though this semester was tough discipline wise and they quit trying way too soon, we ended well and on good terms which was an answer to prayer. I am still thankful that I have a year break from them before jumping back in.
2. My son is content here for the summer. There was a possibility this week that Big D and I would have to head to the states earlier than normal. He did not like that possibility. So even though he may get bored at times and watch too many tv shows off iTunes, he has a plan for the summer and wants to stick to it even if the plan includes some language lessons and helping mom move. It does help that one of his good friends will be in town starting on Saturday for the rest of our summer here.
3. Let a doctor read your x-rays before jumping to conclusions. My foot was x-rayed this week to see if my foot break had healed properly. My husband and friend upon looking at the X-ray thought it looked worse then the first x-ray 6 weeks ago. This sent me into a one day depression. Due to where we live, we sent the digital x-ray to a doctor friend in Canada to read. His response a day later was that even though one part might look worse, my leg was actually healing well and I could start trying to walk without the boot. So next time, I am waiting for an expert’s opinion before letting my mind get carried away or at least I will try to. As it says in Proverbs, “Worry weighs us down; a cheerful word picks us up.” So I am jumping up and down inside as I try to learn to walk normally again.
4. I found replacement for my pencil sharpener that was broken two and half years ago. Now this probably doesn’t seem like a big deal but to a math teacher sharpened pencils are pretty important. My first year here I brought this amazing pencil sharpener from the states. A smart aleck student put a pen in it and of course it broke. I have been mourning my pencil sharpener ever since. I tried to find a replacement but failed. So it is has been 2 and a half years with crappy pencil sharpeners. Luckily a friend posted a link for this same pencil sharpener on Pinterest. I am thinking of getting three if my husband will let me. I could have one for school, one for home and then a back up in case I get a crazy student wanting to sharpen his pen again.
5. Little things like cherry limeades can make life more fun. Every day this summer, when my husband comes home Big D has a cherry limeade ready for him. Since we don’t have a Sonic, we found a recipe that is close. The recipe is a squeezed lime or lemon, 12 oz of sprite with a 1/4 cup of cherry juice or another fun juice. It tastes best over ice. The only thing I miss from the real cherry limeades from Sonic is their crushed ice. Here we are are just thankful to have ice.
6. Sharon Gless who was Cagney on Cagney and Lacey is also Michael’s chain smoking mom on Burn Notice. We have been watching Burn Notice this summer and in one episode Sharon Gless (Cagney) and Tyne Daley (Lacey) had a fun scene together. I never actually watched Cagney and Lacey but it was fun to see them acting together again.
7 +. Lastly, here are the lessons I learned this month from my broken foot.
2 thoughts on “7 + Lessons I Learned in June”
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Thanks for sharing your lessons!
Love and miss you!
Great list! Thanks for the cherry limeade recipe.
I am stopping by from Emily's. 🙂