
Quotes-March 2013

This mural was made by students at my school the week before Spring break. Each month we learn about a character trait so those traits are in creatively displayed on the wall of our program. So I noticed that I haven’t shared my quotes in a few months so hopefully I won’t list too many.
From Charles Spurgeon: “He who makes little of God makes much of himself. They who forget adoration fall into adulation. The eyes must see something and if they admire not God, they will flatter self.”
From John Piper: “To consider Jesus better than everything else in the world is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian.”
From Thomas A. Edison: “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.”
From Henry Ward Beecher: “The 1st hour is the rudder of the day.”
From a current read :Invitation to the Jesus Life: Experiments in Christlikeness by Jan Johnson
On listening something I am trying to do better at:
p. 50 “To listen deeply an be a struggle because we have to let go of our agenda and the need to defend ourselves or the desire to persuade people to see things our way.”
p.51 “Listening is one of the most basic ways we submit to each other. In fact, listening is minute by minute submission to others.”
p.62 “To interact with Jesus was to know you were loved and not used. To experience Jesus was to experience a deep goodness that left you feeling thankful and reflecting on the greatness of God. To be Jesus’ friend was to know he would never abandon you. Jesus didn’t use people and even showed mercy to those others used. He used things and loved people, while our current society advocates acquiring things but objectifying people as consumers and useful contacts.”
From another current read: Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa TerKeurst
“Labels only stick if I let them. That was a complete revelation, especially in connection with the labels I put on myself. Those labels start out as little threads of self-dissatisfaction but ultimately weave together into straitjacket of self-condemnation.”
From a novel by Sally John called Heart Echoes(Side Roads). If you decide to read, make sure you have tissues handy. This is conversation between Lacey and her mother in law Nora who she looks up to.
“Nora, I will never fill your shoes.”
“Honey, why would you want to when you’ve got your own that are just the right size?”
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