Links-April 2013

Links-April 2013

The last week has been filled with training.  First I was involved in a SYIS (Sharpening your interpersonal skills) workshop followed by a ladies retreat.  My mind is full of many things that I hope to go back to and study more closely in the weeks to come.  In spite of the days being draining, it was less tiring than a regular school day.  Tomorrow it will be back to my classes ready or not.  I would like to think that I am mostly ready for this final 7 weeks.  Here is some online reading I have enjoyed or found useful this past month.

The first comes from one of my favorite bloggers Ann Voscamp in her post Daring Greatly to Live Fully-Right Where You Are.  These three quotes stood out to me for this season in my life.
1. “Joy isn’t a function of what happens but of what you think.  Joy is a function of how you thank.”

2. “Dare to regularly stop the work of your hands and give God your knees because you believe God can do more than you.  Dare to believe God doesn’t want perfectionism-He wants our praise.”

3. ” Dare to give up clarity-because God gives a call.  Dare to give up life road maps because God gives a relationship.  Dare to live without answers because God gives a hand.  Dare to live by faith-not by feelings, formulas, facts  or fences.”

The next comes from Rachel Held Evans about how Jesus Started With the Outliers.   I read Rachel’s blog to make me think and I would say this one made me do just that.

On a more personal note, why do I hold grudges against others?  Tony Reinke at Desiring God offers some insight in his post On Grudges and Generosity.

What have been some of your favorite posts to read?

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