Favorite Books-2012

One of my favorite things at the beginning of the year is to go back and look at the books I read the past year.  One fun thing about having a kindle is that I am able to go back and review what quotes I have highlighted the past year.   I wish I could say that more of what I read stuck but hopefully some of it did.   So here are both the fiction and non-fiction books that I enjoyed in no certain order.
Love’s Sacred Song/Love Amid the Ashes both by Mesu Andrews.
Love’s Sacred Song was a story of the lady in the Song of Solomon whereas Love Amid the Ashes was about Job and Jacob’s daughter, Dinah.  I like how the author put the stories in their cultural context and made you think what if in regard to these bible stories.  It also motivated me to reread Job and the Song of Solomon.
2. Life Support/Life Everlasting both by Robert Whitlow
I loved the characters in this two book series except for the lady who killed her husband.  Don’t worry I am not giving anything away.  This legal story had good twists with a peek at how God was working in the life of the lady lawyer to draw her to himself.
Aggie’s Inheritance Series by Chautona Havig
I write about this series here.  I have read other books by Chautona this year but I would have to say this series is my favorite.
What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeust
I like how she speaks the truth but in a way that makes you want to change.  This quote from page 70 of her books describes it best.

“I am not a woman who should be labeled unable.  I am a woman on a journey of learning how to make sure my reactions don’t deny Christ’s presence in me.  I am a woman who says yes to God not because my emotions and reactions are always perfect .  No, I say yes to God because he is perfectly able to forgive me, love me, remind me, challenge me, and show me how to weather trials in ways that prove His Spirit resides in me.  I remind myself that often that people don’t care to meet my Jesus until they meet the reality of Jesus in my life.”
This book made me really think of all the noise in my life each day and how it affects me.  The author challenged me about what I listen to and to also value silence.  My favorite quote from the book was from location 497 (if you have a kindle), “Without silence and solitude you will be shallow.  Without fellowship you will be stagnant.  Balance requires that you have both.”
This books doesn’t say we should not do facebook but that we should think through the depth of our relationships there and how that affects us.  Kyle reminded me that “True Community requires hard work.”  I was challenged to work harder at relationships by going face to face or closer to it as much as possible.  I talk about the book in this post.
The basis of the book is for us to know our presuppositions and to try not to let them affect how we interpret God’s word.  It also talks about separating traditions and scripture but still valuing traditions.  
I would say this one was a read again.  It talks about connecting and sharing with others as well as asking questions and listening to the answers.  It’s about being safe with what you believe and able to hear what others believe.  It’s about being real.  Dale and Jonalyn give practical advice and share their stories about sharing with others.
Words by Ginny Yttrup
A novel about healing and God’s grace as told by from two viewpoints- a girl who is being abused and a woman who lost her daughter.  
In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord
Kate tells of her interactions in Afghanistan and how she used stories of truth to help her friends and colleagues think and question and hopefully start to seek.  Great encouragement to learn the language and culture of where you live in order to have conversations that lead to God.

1 thought on “Favorite Books-2012

    • Author gravatar

      Great to see your reads, Teresa . . . and nice to see about about the Land of Blue Burkas. I met, and was inspired by, Kate, and have been meaning to read it. Miss you, friend!

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