![Quotes-October 2012 Quotes-October 2012](https://tjsmusing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/IMG_8440.jpg)
Quotes-October 2012
I can’t believe that October is over. It has been a long month for me leaving me tired and in need of some rest. It has also been a character building month revealing some areas that need some healing and work in my life. Here are some quotes from what I have been reading on my kindle and online.
From a Godward Life by John Piper
“You can’t put your hope in all that God promises to be for us in Christ and live like everyone else who depends on money, security, and prestige for contentment.”
“Friendship isn’t a big thing-it’s a million little things.” Author unknown. It really is the little things like a phone call when you are down or even just taking the time to sit down over a cup of tea and just chat.
From Kelly at One Woman’s Mission
“Maybe that’s part of the tension. Having a quiet confidence that God can do something sacred through me in any way he chooses and the humility to wait for his timing and his direction. I am not there yet.”
I totally know how she feels.
From Ann Voscamp in her post on Crazy Joy #9
“When did I start expecting successful Christian living to be smooth sailing instead of stepping out of the boat in the middle of the storm.
When did I start thinking that good Christian living looked more like a holiday-rather-than deployment. When did I start thinking Christianity was about putting on accessories instead of putting on armor. “
Also from Ann
“Cynicism isn’t strength and ranting doesn’t rejuvenate and frustration can never accomplish what faith can.”
Great words when things were hard and I was wanting easy.
From Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard (p 74)
“To accept, with confidence in God, that I do not immediately have to have my way releases me from the great pressure that anger, unforgiveness, and the “need’ to retaliate imposes upon my life. This by itself is a huge transformation of the landscape of our life. It removes the root and source of by far the greater part of human evil we have to deal with in our world.”
(p. 82) In fact, we consume the most grace by leading a holy life, in which we must be constantly upheld by grace, not by continuing to sin and being repeatedly forgiven. The interpretation of grace as having only to do with guilt is utterly false to biblical teaching and renders spiritual life in Christ unintelligible.”
From the Message p 369, Romans 4
“When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn’t do but on what God said he would do.”
Dear God, Thank you for your grace, your heart, your ways. May I seek you in the good times and bad and daily put on the armor of God. May I look to see what you will do each day both in my life and those around me. Amen
2 thoughts on “Quotes-October 2012”
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Good words! Thanks so much for sharing.
You've been reading lots of great stuff. Thanks for sharing. I hope you get caught up on rest or down time soon…