The Intentional Woman-A Book Review
In the spring the ladies on our team gathered for a weekend to regroup and refresh. As part of our time together, our speaker took us through what it means to be an intentional woman. What does it mean to live intentionally?
” I live intentionally, being true to my personality, serving out of my God-given giftedness and calling, I no longer feel a need to envy anyone else’s career, marriage, ministry, talents, or mission.”
p. 11 Intentional Woman
At the end of the retreat, we were each given a copy of the book, The Intentional Woman. A friend and I went through the 5 step process again this summer but in more detail using the book as a guide. The 5 steps include Come as You Are Today, Celebrate Your Yesterdays, Commit It all to God, Consider Your Choices, and Clarify Your Next Steps. The timing was great since I finished it just as I started school with a plan of what I could and could not do. The book helps you look at who you and who God wants you to be. I like how the book talks about the seasons of your life and how what you do in each season will be different. I will definitely be using the Roles Pinwheel again and again as I assess what is required of me in each season of my life. What are my roles during this season? They are soul care manager, wife, child of God, Mom/CHO, Teacher, Family and friend maintainer, team member. The process also helped me to know what I needed to say no to in this season and what areas I needed to put more effort into. Throughout the book, the authors remind the reader that you do have a choice. You are not a victim. So if you are feeling out of control and overwhelmed, God could use this book to help you be more intentional in your life. Even if you feel like your life is going well, this book can help you clarify more God’s call on your life. (Note: the link below is an affliate link)
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