Prayer Sticks

At breakfast each morning, the kids and I spend sometime working on memorizing Colossians.  It is taking longer than originally planned but this week we will finally finish chapter 3.   As the school year started, I wanted us to do a better job in praying for others.  In the past, we have tried notecards and  keeping a prayer journal. […]

Someone Else’s Hard

Yesterday I was helping a friend make sure another friend’s house was ready for renters to move in at the end of the month.  Mostly we were assessing the situation and what needed to be done especially since it was raining outside and we were missing a key that we needed.  As we waited for our ride to pick us […]

Links-September 2012

School is in full swing.  In fact, next week we are sending out progress reports.  Slowly the students are getting use to their new teachers.  I am loving my classes at least for now and my children seem to enjoying their classes.  Here are a few of the blogs that I liked this month. From Desiring God,  Fight the Poverty […]

The Intentional Woman-A Book Review

In the spring the ladies on our team gathered for a weekend to regroup and refresh.  As part of our time together, our speaker took us through what it means to be an intentional woman.  What does it mean to live intentionally? ” I live intentionally, being true to my personality, serving out of my God-given giftedness and calling, I […]

Safe in His Arms

(picture by Nancy B at Cool Beans) This last month as the heat continues, I have had trouble sleeping.  Due to the heat, we have our window open which makes me feel vulnerable even though others cannot see in.  Also due to the heat, it is too hot to sleep with covers making me feel more vulnerable.  I finally voiced […]