Quotes-August 2012
This month was full of my mom visiting, hot weather, school beginning, and too much time on pinterest. Here are quotes from this month’s reading.
From Hebrews 10:35, 36
“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.”
More from Hebrews in chapter 12 verses 28 and 29.
“Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakeable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.”
From Turning OFF Noise; Tuning IN to Healthy Sound by Gwen Ebner
“Without silence and solitude you will be shallow. Without fellowship you will be stagnant. Balance requires that you have both.”
Isn’t this what being a Christ follower is all about from Kate McCord in her book In the Land of the Blue Burqas p. 235
“Every week I stumbled into conversations full of questions and opened a “book” tucked away within me. My neighbors gave me rules and I gave them Jesus. Together we explored His teachings and got to know Him through the things He said and the works He did. For a Jesus-follower, Christianity is all about knowing and following Christ. He tells us what to believe and how to live.”
From Beauty in the Desert: Discover Deeper Intimacy With God Through the Model of the Tabernacle by Eddie Broussard.
“Those who press beyond God’s deeds to know His ways find that in times of testing what they know about his character and purposes helps them to trust him with new uncertainties and challenges they face. They don’t know how God will come through, but they know that his character and purposes can be trusted. Knowing the ways of God enables us to look at difficult situations with hope and anticipation of what God will do, instead of dreading disaster.”
“Hope is an attitude of expectation that creates a posture of waiting.”
From Holy Habits: A Woman’s Guide to Intentional Living by Marilyn Wilson
“When you and I focus on God, He also makes us holy. Holy habits are daily spiritual habits that help us transcend our circumstances and keep our focus on God. Our part is to make it a habit to know Him. His part is to make us holy.”